Friday, August 27, 2010



Güneyli, A. & Özgür, B. (2007). Technology use in language teaching: the case of foreign language teaching in TÖMER. Retrieved from Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) Website:

A. Proper citation of the article:
The article reviewed is on a study conducted by Ahmet Güneyli and Birikim Özgür entitled Technology Use in Language teaching: the Case of Foreign language Teaching in TÖMER. This article was retrieved from the Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) online educational article collection and was published in the year of 2007.

Dr. Ahmet Guneyli is a graduate of Teachers Training College (Cyprus), Primary School Education Department. He received his MA and PhD degree at Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Turkish Language Teaching in Linguistics. He is currently working at Near East University, Faculty of Education, Turkish Language Department. Dr. Birikim Özgür is also part of the Faculty of Education in the Near East University.

B. Summary of the article
i. The aims of the research
Based on the researchers’ literature review, teachers are usually using the computer for administrative purposes instead of for pedagogical means. Thus, the aim of the research is to provide an understanding and an evaluation of the use of computers in language teaching in a private educational institution in Turkey namely Foreign Language Teaching Centre of Ankara University (TÖMER) with a broader perspective. This is all through the means of investigating the opinions of the language teachers at TÖMER in computer aided language teaching.

ii. The Methodology
This is a qualitative study where a literature review on CALL was initially conducted and then an interview carried out asking eight teachers from TÖMER about their perceptions in using the computer in language teaching. The interview was conducted through a semi structured interview guide to maintain a reliability of the study. This instrument used has been identified based on reliability and validity analysis of the tools found in the literature.

iii. The subject/sample
The sample for this research involved eight teachers at TÖMER. These were not mere random teachers; rather, the teachers were selected with consideration of gender, experience, and language they teach to maintain variety. The eight teachers selected for the sample in this study constitutes four males and four females, and each one of them teaches either: English, French, German, Turkish, Italia, or Greek language.

iv. The findings of the research
From the interview, the researchers were able to elicit opinions on 7 language skills: oral, speaking, grammar, writing, reading, vocabulary development, and listening skills. The eight teachers unanimously disagreed that computers could assist in developing oral skills, but they also all agree that computers may help in improving listening skills. For writing skills, only 3/8 teachers find computers beneficial. Nevertheless, a positive feedback was attained when mentioning reading skills and vocabulary development, with 7/8 teachers finding computers gives positive effects toward the two respective skills.

C. Reaction
i. Does the research interest you?

Yes, the research is of interest to me. After going through practical teaching training, I realized how much time constraints become an obstacle for teachers in applying the use of computers in foreign/second language teaching – computer assisted language learning. Moreover, I discovered how much school teachers are actually burdened with administrative work. Hence, this research does shed some light in putting to detail in what areas of teaching language that computers may highly assist in. For example, in the study, all teachers agreed that the use of computers in teaching could help students listening skill development. Therefore, I may look more into using the computer for lessons in enhancing listening. Apart from that, a comparison of the use of the computer for administrative and pedagogical purposes by teachers is appealing, knowing that these are the major tasks of any educator.

ii. Do you think the research was well conducted?
This research was not well conducted. This qualitative study is fine in attaining personal opinions from lecturers, however the coverage of merely eight teachers is not convincing. The research could be improved by perhaps conducting a questionnaire survey on the perceptions of teachers in implementing computer assisted language learning.

iii. What is/are the implication(s) of the research in the teaching and learning of ESL ( in the general and Malaysian contexts)?
This study was conducted in Turkey. Despite that, the scenario in Malaysia is basically the same where barriers to using technology in the classroom are as follow: lack of time, lack of funding, lack of teacher training, lack of reward and recognition, and lack of resources.
In Malaysia, teachers are expected to be more competent in ICT knowledge and skills to be able to enhance teaching skills and the classroom environment at large (Fook, The Star, 2010). Hence, the teaching of foreign/second language is not excluded from this where teachers are supposed to increase the use of computers in the language classroom, even though teachers lack the adequate skills.
Nevertheless, teachers are bombarded with administrative work which hinders them from conforming to this request the Ministry. In fact, on average, teachers belonged to 25 committees, thus depriving them of time from teaching (Ibrahim, NST, 2010). Not only deprives teachers of time from teaching, but time for preparation for teaching.

Fook, F.S. (2010, May 30). Beyond Computer Literacy. TheStar Online. Retrieved from the World Wide Web at: /6295959&sec=education.

Güneyli, A. & Özgür, B. (2007). Technology use in language teaching: the case of foreign language teaching in TÖMER. Retrieved from Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) Website:

Ibrahim, A. (2010, May 16). Tortured teachers. The New Straits Times Online. Retrieved from the World Wide Web at: Article/index_html

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My first Podcast!!! Yay me!

Podcast - Listening

Today is Maria's day of registration at her new university. Listen to her description of her day, and answer the questions below as you listen.

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1. What is the name of maria's new campus?

2. What was one of the forms that Maria had to fill out?

3. What unattrtactive uniform did maria have to wear?

4. How much is Maria's hostel fee?

5. What kind of hostel will Maria be staying in? Do briefly describe.

6. What Faculty is Maria registered in?

7. Listening to her depiction, what kind of student do you think Maria is?

Education podcast:English as a Second Language Podcast

Education podcast:English as a Second Language Podcast

What hole in the wall???

Figure 1: A MIE learning station at Village D. Salhundi, Karnataka, India

Okay, the title there is no joke... I am actually going to tell you all about a hole in the wall. But this is no ordinary hole. It's a hole in the wall which can stimulate learning. Now, don't think I'm crazy, because I wasn't the one who invented it...

This is actually the name of a study conducted in India by Sugata Mitra and others. Experiment: "Hole in the Wall" (HIW). You may be wondering, what hole in the wall?? ...the hole in the wall refers to public computers (somewhat like the picture above). This study was conducted by placing public computers in 17 locations in rural India. This was to test whether children in these rural areas, where due to their socioeconomic positions may have poor quality education, would actually benefit these HIWs in their self-learning.

It turned out that this experiment did do some good. It proved that, no matter what background a child is from, they are able to learn to use the computer on their own without assistance of teachers or instructors.

Here's what the experiment indicated:

"Children are able to learn to use computers and the Internet on their own, irrespective of their social, cultural or economic backgrounds."
(Mitra & Rana, 2001; Mitra, 2004)

Remembering my wee days

In the article, it was mentioned that when a child is put in the situation in which they are to complete something, they will do it, especially if they are in the curiousity mode.

Back in the US, I remember having to complete tasks in the form of reports at as early as the age of 8 years old. There was this task I find still fresh in my mind. It was in the 3rd grade (equivalent to Year 3 in Malaysia). I had to draw, type up a report, and present about the late Princess Diana.What other source would I have but the internet to find the information. This obligated me to use the computer. Remembering back... yes, I don't remember any scaffolding involved in having to learn how to use Microsoft Word or the internet browser. It was all self learning... This shows how just any kid can learn to use the computer if given access and opportunity.

For the full study coverage, CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cast that Pod II

Earlier, I succeeded in downloading Audacity..Yay me!...

1) Recorded my voice "Hellooooo" on Audacity (had about an hour of exploring the application)
2) Managed to save the recording as an mp3 file (man, did that take some twisting around in my PC files)
3) Signed up on PodBean for a free account (initially, I tried PodOmatic, yet there were some errors in embedding it here - needed certain plugins).
4) Explored PodBean.
5) Managed to upload that mp3 file.
6) Learnt to embed this:

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cast that Pod! :-)

To share with you all, just last week I learned about podcasts (thanks to my classmates, Aafina and Linda for a great presentation), and how a podcast can assist in language learning (CALL, duh...).

..and guess what, my classmates and I were assigned to create a podcast! (Oh no!)... Being a non-computer savvy gal I am, I had never heard of a podcast, let alone have never actually embedded an audio file anywhere (yes, despite my 2 year blog writing, I still have NOT mastered much in this file sharing skill).

I first attempted to try Audacity, but after several confusing downloading attempts, I gave up. Then I noticed a friend use eSnips. Looked attemptable, so I tried my fair share of a chance at using eSnips to record and share on a blog...

below is what I came up with... :-D

Get this widget | Track details | eSnips Social DNA

Yay me! ;-)

Just wait for my actual podcast to appear on this blog! Geez, how long would that take me? Positive girl! "All is vel" ;-D Wish me luck!

Ya'll don't know this CALL...

Assalamualaikum and Greetings to all...

Yup. This is my first entry in this blog. I also admit, yes, I enjoy writing because writing is a great way of expressing this you can't express through other ways.

In this blog, I will share a bunch (sounds like a lot, huh) of insights I have and will have in the area of CALL, especially those I attain from my course: TSL641. Ah! You must be wondering what CALL is... :-)

Nope, it has nothing to do with this:


Let me tell you...

CALL here is: Computer- Assisted Language Learning,

... which is a form of computer-based learning which carries two important features: individualized learning and bidirectional learning. It is not a method. CALL materials are materials for learning. The focus of CALL is learning, and not teaching. CALL materials are used in teaching to facilitate the language learning process. It is a a form of student-centered learning materials, which promote self-paced accelerated learning.

..SO...anything that has to do with teaching materials produced from a computer...that is CALL for ya! :-)

Book definition (snore):

Any process in which a learner uses a computer, and as a result, improves his or her language. (Beatty, 2003, p.7)